Serenity House &
Support Center
Serenity House is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 48 bed transitional residence based on the principles and philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous. Serenity House is self-supporting. The Facility is regularly inspected and meets all safety, fire zoning, township and state codes. Serenity House saves the surrounding taxpayer communities more than $2 million annually. Day to day operating costs are raised by the board of directors and special events committee.
Meetings And Events
Join us at the Serenity House for a variety of weekly meetings and groups.
12pm- Lunch Bunch
Open Discussion
12pm- Lunch Bunch
1st of the Month Traditions Meetings​
Following Tues are Newcomers Meetings​
6pm- Overeaters Anonymous
Open Discussion
7:30pm- Just for Today Alanon
Open Discussion
12pm- Lunch Bunch
Open Speaker Meeting
10:30am- 12 Step Alanon
Open Discussion
12pm- Lunch Bunch
Open Step Meeting
7:30pm- Rule 62
Open Speaker
12pm- Lunch Bunch
Open Discussion
7:30pm- Sunset Group
Open Speaker